Saturday, 26 February 2011

Benefits Cuts – The Double Whammy

People in receipt of disability benefits such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA) are due for a double hit. DLA is being replaced by the Personal Independence Payment, administered by local authorities, which will mean disabled people undergoing one new assessment and Employment Support Allowance (ESA) will be undergoing a chance in its assessment rules, which is the second big change

The Government doesn’t usually introduce changes in the rules to make things better but to save money and make it more difficult for people to claim. Even if you qualify for ESA under the new rules you will only receive support for 12 months and then you will be means tested and that might mean that if you don’t have a job at the end of that time period you will be living off your savings.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Libya and a No-Fly Zone

The imperative is for the Western nations to be seen to be doing something rather than nothing.  This would give a clear signal to those who oppose the current regime that, internationally, they are not alone and also a powerful reminder to those who currently support Col Qaddafi that there is no breathing space or time for manoevre and that there will be repercussions if the daily toll of murder continues.

......... time is of the essence; we know that sanctions are not likely to have any visible impact, so I would hope at the very least that a "no-fly zone" could be established as soon as possible.